T-shirt design for Berlin tenants rights movement Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen, based on the ubiquitous corner Späti.

Graphics for the harm reduction team at St James Infirmary, a peer based occupational health and safety clinic for current and former sex workers in San Francisco, USA.

Logo design for Kollektivebibliothek & Plakatearchiv, a self managed collective library and archive in Berlin.

25th anniversary design for The Institute for Anarchist Studies on the theme of ‘Resilience’.

Logo design for Mutual Aid Acupuncture Collective in Portland, Oregon.

Hand printed linocut bag designs which read “shoulder to shoulder against fascism” in 13 languages. *contact me directly to order.

Illustration of the Jerusalem Light Rail used by Basque musician Fermin Muguruza, feat. SR. WILSON, Stop That Train! Jaitsi Zaitez!